Grades 6-12 Rubrics
Below is the rubric for experiment based projects. The rubrics for engineering as well as coding based projects are similar but have been adjusted to better fit those types of projects. Feel free to view all the rubrics by clicking here. You can find the K-5 elementary rubric here.

Primary Sponsor - $10,000+ with Multi Year Commitment:
Sponsors - $10,000+
Patrons - $5,000-$9,999
- Hecla Greens Creek Mine
- Broadcom Foundation
- Douglas Molyneaux
Contributors - $500-$999
- Alaska Commercial (in kind)
- Alaska Science Teachers Association
- Aurora Projekt
- Granit Construction
- PND Engineering, Inc.
- True North
Friends - $0-$499
- First Bank
- Mike and Corinne McVee
- Northwind Architects
- Rainbow Foods