Summary of Rules for Participating in the 2023 Alaska Science & Engineering Fair

Senior High Students

You must follow both the Alaska Science and Engineering Fair rules as well as the International Science and Engineering Fair rules.

ISEF Rules

  1. All high school projects must comply with the published ISEF rules.
  2. Not more than two projects, in grades 9, 10, 11 or 12, may be certified as finalists to the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF).
  3. Finalists must be students enrolled in a public, private or parochial school and not over 21 years of age.
  4. Students must be present during judging to answer questions about their projects to be eligible for top awards.
  5. One observer may be chosen to attend ISEF. That person may be a student enrolled in the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, or 11th grade. This person will not exhibit their project at ISEF.



  1. A student may enter only one project, alone or as a team.
  2. Participating students must currently be in grades 1-12.
  3. Participating students must currently live in the state of Alaska.
  4. Team projects will be accepted for teams with a maximum of 3 members.



  1. Projects must primarily be the work of the student(s).
  2. Parents or Teachers can and should supervise, however the project should primarily contain the work and reasoning of the student(s).
  3. Projects must not be the same as a previous year’s entry; however a project with new work/study on the same problem showing significant progress is encouraged.
  4. Research involving vertebrate animal or human subjects requires special supervision and certification. Students in grades 9-12 must conform to all the ISEF rules as published. Students in K-8 who experiment with humans, vertebrate animals, animal tissues, DNA or suspected carcinogenic chemicals must have their research plan approved by their teacher before they begin the project.


In-Person Exhibits:

  1. Exhibit size is limited to 76 cm front to back, 122 cm side to side, and 274 cm top to bottom.
  2. The following physical items are NOT ALLOWED in the exhibit hall:
    1. Live creatures
    2. Preserved vertebrate animals or animal parts
    3. Embryos
    4. Bacterial cultures
    5. Soil
    6. Plants
    7. Any other materials which contain microbes
  3. Photographs or other visual presentations depicting vertebrate animals other-than-normal conditions are prohibited (ie surgical techniques, dissection, necropsies or other lab techniques).
  4. Anything that could be hazardous is PROHIBITED from display. This includes:
    1. Disease-causing organisms
    2. Open flames
    3. Flammable gases, liquids or highly combustible solids, or tanks which contain the same
    4. Any chemicals or drugs
    5. operation of a Class III or IV Laser
  5. Class II lasers MAY be operated under the following conditions:
    1. The student must be present
    2. A proper shield must be used
    3. A sign must be displayed saying “LASER RADIATION – DO NOT STARE INTO BEAM”



  1. Abstracts are required for grades 9-12, strongly recommended for grades 7-8, and recommended for grades 4-6
  2. Fill out the Project Abstract form in the Paperwork section of your zFairs profile page to make sure your abstract is submitted properly.



    Our Recent Donors:

    Primary Sponsor - $10,000+ with Multi Year Commitment:


    Sponsors - $10,000+

    • Ohana Media Group (In Kind)

    Patrons - $5,000-$9,999

    • Hecla Greens Creek Mine

    Donors - $1,000-$4999

    • Alaska Miners Association
    • aeSolutions
    • Bill Corbus
    • Douglas Molyneaux
    • COEUR Alaska
    • Elgee Rehfeld - Alaska's CPA Firm
    • Elizabeth Djajalie
    • GCI
    • Northern Utility Services
    • RESPEC

    Contributors - $500-$999

    • Alaska Science Teachers Association
    • Andrea Story
    • Bristol Engineering
    • DOWL
    • PND Engineers Inc
    • ProHNS

    Friends - $0-$499

    • The Alaska Club
    • Alaska Electric Light & Power
    • Alaska Glacier Seafoods
    • Angali Madeira
    • Ching Cheng
    • Dawson Construction
    • Jennifer Reinbold
    • Juneau Pizza
    • Mary O'Connor
    • NAPA/Glacier Auto Parts
    • Pannone Engineering Services
    • Pita Pit Alaska
    • Sarah Steinbarger
    • Valley Paint Center